This is one of many devices on eBay sold as buddhist meditation aids. They generally have a large number of well-compressed audio files that loop to provide an ambience that will help achieve the state of ultimate-shamoo whereby they may drink holy-beer and party. (My understanding of religion may not be accurate.) When I took another more glorious solar powered unit apart in a different video I was asked if I could dump the flash memory chip to see if it could be repurposed with alternative music files. Keep in mind that the memory is just 16 Mbit, equating to 2 Megabytes of 8 bit memory, which is only enough for 2 minutes of decent quality MP3 music. That's just enough for random fart noises or a Rickroll. The unit may possibly use an ordinary MP3 player chip like a gpd2856a or it may have a microcontroller with proprietary software and some form of file protection for the music on the chip. Here's a link to a dump of the flash contents if you wish to try and solve the puzzle of the data format. If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:- This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's advertising algorithms allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty. #ElectronicsCreators